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Leave Of Absence

State and federal leave administration is outsourced through the leave administrator Matrix Absence Management. Matrix keeps current and updated information regarding government programs, which complements the Central's leave policy.

If you are going on an approved leave, you will need to notify your manager and contact Matrix to file your claim.  Matrix will work with you and your doctors to review your case, certify your claim, and manage your absence.  Your local Human Resources Representative can provide detailed instructions on how to file a claim, or you can contact Matrix online at, or by phone at (877) 202-0055 if you have questions or want to initiate a claim.

  • If you are receiving Short Term Disability (STD) or other pay (e.g., sick leave, vacation) through payroll, Central will deduct your portion of insurance plan premiums on your behalf.

  • If you are on unpaid leave, paid through a government leave program or on Long-Term Disability (LTD), you have two options to pay your portion of premiums; 1. Submit premium payments directly to your business unit, or 2. Have catch-up premiums applied once you return to work.

If your approved medical LOA extends beyond 52 weeks (or 12 months), Central will terminate your benefits (e.g., health, welfare, etc.). If enrolled in medical, dental or vision you will be given the opportunity to elect COBRA continuation coverage for those benefits. COBRA continuation coverage election materials will be mailed to you by HealthEquity/WageWorks, Central’s COBRA Administrator.


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