Wellness Focus Group
This page is a single place to access the content we'll cover throughout our 10-week focus group.
Week 1: Kick-Off Meeting
Fork-Over-Knives trailer
Plant-Based cookbook recommendation
Meat-less Meals free online cookbook
30 Sources of Plant based Protein
25 ways to use Hummus
Plant-based on a Budget
Fork-Over-Knives movie
DietID application
Week 2: Call-In
Contact your medical provider for a standard blook test
Week 3: Call-In
Fork-Over-Knives Meal Planner Demo
Fork-Over-Knives website
Fork-Over-Knives on facebook
Free recipe sharing community
Netflix series Secrets of the Blue Zones
Week 4: Call-In & In-person FOK frozen meals
DietID demo
Serve a healthy meal to your friends/family
Week 5: Call-In
Teriyaki Tempeh Lettuce Wraps recipe
Healthy Foods at Dollar Tree - Vegan and Plant-based Options video
Imperfect Foods - Get sustainable, affordable groceries delivered weekly to your door
FOK cooking lesson videos
Add a health item(s)/meal(s) to your grocery list this week
Game Changers movie
Week 6: Call-In
Misfits Market website
Meati website
Plant-based Life Tips presentation
Recipes: Apple Oat Balls, BBQ Spiced Popcorn, Chickpea Nibblers
What the Health video
Week 7: Call-In
Reading Food Labels presentation and FDA website
Get ready to prepare and share a dish at the potluck next week. See you there!
Week 8: In-Person Meeting
Pot Luck Recipes
Week 9: Call-In
Pillars of Health presentation
Hummes recipe and demo
NuGo Protein Bars
10 High Protein Vegan Recipes
Director, Plant-based Nutrition (Contractor)